Wednesday, January 23, 2008

boot camp

I fondly call the last two weeks "midwifery boot camp." Each day from 9-5 (or beyond), our class of 16 has sat through lectures, demonstrations, skits, pretend-you're friend-is-birthing-a-plastic-baby-in-the-squat-position sessions, chicken-thigh suturing lesions, and other creative means to determinate the how-tos of being a midwife. Today we ended with a two hour tour of the labor and birth unit where we will be taking call starting next Tuesday.

Honestly, how fun, and what a whirl wind. Two weeks ago I really didn't know much about being a midwife, and wasn't really sure that this whole labor and birth thing is what I really wanted to do - and now I am undeniably excited about the years to come - and could probably even bumble and fumble my way through explanations about latent, active, second and third stage labor, and a myriad of genetic tests that we offer during prenatal care, and why.

There is certainly a HUGE amount still to cover, and lots of practice to obtain, but what a way to start the new year.

Perhaps one day I'll sneak my camera into the lab while my friend Amber is butt up in the air, grasping a plastic head while the rest of the class coaches her and rubs her back, and one of us take the seat as the catcher...and she huffs and puffs and pushes out that plastic head and soft little body right through her legs to the applause of 15 other midwifery students.

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