Wednesday, September 17, 2008

fits and spurts

This school year is starting out with a squeak and a jolt - in some need of oil to make it run more smoothly. It has been moving in fits and spurts - long 14 hr days to New Haven and back for class, 12 hour call shifts with a beautiful birth, job applications and no success, and lots of down time in between. I have been trying to get ahead on school work - I know that when the wheels are greased this year will fly by - but at the end of some days, it's hard to point to what I really accomplished. Putting together some Ikea furniture, writing a short paper, starting to flush out a lit review for my thesis? Sometimes it doesn't amount to much - and I miss the feeling of being a nurse or midwife when someone says thank you at the end of the day because you worked your butt of for them...

In due time - it will run smoothly. I must seem like a real schmuck for complaining about free time.

Here are a few photos I took on my last day in Lusaka. Things I had been meaning to photograph for a long time.

I jogged by this bike repair/car hub stand often - and always wanted to photograph this guy and his wheels. My last day there I finally was able to meet him. He was piss drunk falling all over himself to allow me to photograph him - happily doing a modeling shoot. Fall from grace?

Perhaps the opening photo for a future power point. The sign from the labor ward outside Chilenje Clinic what I took when going to drop off thank you notes and eye glasses.

A tuck shop in Chilenje.

The drunken friends of the bike repair man, offerin my Shima to eat. I gracefully said no.

Luckily, my PPD test came back negative. But what a scary sign! This was all over the University Teaching Hospital.

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